Death Notice

MCINTYRE - Leslie Gordon
18.08.1930 - 07.09.2020
Passed away peacefully at Mt Waverley, aged 90 years surrounded by loved ones.
Dearly loved husband of Patricia for over 64 years.
Beloved father of Suzanne, Francine, Jo, Pauline and Julia, father-in-law to Gavin, Daniel, Brian (dec), Ross and Graeme.
Proud Grandfather to Hayley & James, Jack, Charlotte, Amelia, Thomas, Sam, Joshua and Great Grandfather to Isla.
A loving, gentle man.
You will be sadly missed and in our hearts forever.
Messages of Condolence or Wonderful Memories ............ (Please send to mcgrawg@icloud.com for inclusion)
**** From Gavin McGraw ****
Les has been my father-in-law for the past 38yrs which is longer than I knew my own wonderful dad for.
Les was a very sharp minded, kind and gentle man who loved his beautiful wife Patricia and his children and grandchildren.
I always had one regret, and that was not telling my dad how much I loved him before he died.
So I said to Les as he laid there in his bed in the front lounge at home, "Les, I have something I want to tell you."
He weakly turned his head and looked at me, and with what little strength he had, he managed to pull his right hand out from under the sheet and shake my hand and then put it back under the sheet.
I said, "Les, I want you to know how privileged and honoured I feel to have you as my father-in-law. You're a man I love dearly and have the utmost respect for. I love you and I'm going to miss you dreadfully."
He turned his head and looked at me, and gave me a knowing nod.
Farewell Les, my heart aches for you and you will be forever in my thoughts.
Your loving son-in-law Gavin.
**** From Julia McIntyre **** - Driving Ms Julia
Dadda was my driver in life, literally and spiritually he was always my guide, my courage, my strength and my light.
He directed me towards whichever path I went to and supported me even when it was one that needed tweaking. Sometimes the redirect was quick and other times it was longer, but Dada did not mind he jumped into his seat and said where do I need to take you.
No distance was to long or road to hard, he alway got straight into that drivers seat and drove me wherever I needed to go.
Dada was so committed to being my driver when we made the decision to relocate to the Kimberley he drove my love and all of my precious things all the way to Broome to support me.
My road and journey now seems scary, dark and unsure without my driver, but, as the fog lifts and the hurt and pain eases, I know you will always be sitting right beside me, the voice in my head and the light in my heart continuing to redirect me when needed on to the right road and always continuing to drive in the seat next to me.
I love you so much My Dadda.
**** From Hayley McKibbin ****
Lespa, 18/8/1930 - 7/9/2020. You were truly one of a kind.
The kindest most loving grandfather a granddaughter could ask for. From picking me up from school from reception to year 3, having your lovely chats with the other mothers waiting to pick up their children. They adored you just as much as I do.
You will be sorely missed by all and I can’t fathom the world without you. I just know you’re up there looking down on us, hoping we keep our cars washed, you had so much pride and dignity in everything.
I will always remember resting and falling asleep on your tummy, it was always so comfortable and comforting.
The 5+ years that you got to spend with Isla will stay with her and I forever. I wish you didn’t have to leave us but heaven needed a new angel.
I will never forget all of the advice and love you showed and told me Lespa.
I love you so much and always will.
**** Jack McGraw ****
Les McIntyre (grandpa) 18/8/1930 - 7/9/2020.
It's starting to really hit that I won't see you again for a while.
The things you taught me over the years that I've been alive will be with me forever.
Such a hard working man that didn't like things being done for him.
Never gave up and always always had a firm handshake. Even at the end.
Unfortunately I can't find any photos of us together. RIP and I'll see you again one day.
**** Amelia Wade ****
Lespa 18/8/1930-7/9/2020
You were such a kind, strong and loving grandpa to all of us.
I feel so grateful and lucky to have been by your side over your last days with us.
We love you more than anything and are missing you so much already.
**** Suzanne McGraw ****
Our darling Dad 18/8/1930 - 7/9/2020.
So sad that you’re gone Dad but you taught us so much over so many years And we treasure those memories AND the lessons!
You were and always will be so loved by us all.
**** Pauline Stevens ****
Leslie McIntyre 18/08/30 07/09/20.
My Dad .
We were your world and you were ours.
Our strength is because of you.
Our family is because of you.
We will love you always And in our hearts you are forever.
**** Charlotte Wade ****
7/9/2020 Our beautiful Lespa forever in our hearts.
**** Ben Ramsden ****
My sincere condolences to you and to all the McIntyre family.
It was just great to know 'Uncle Les' over the years and it was clear from the outset to me even as a little kid that Les put family as the highest priority.
And along with 'Aunty Pat' he built a beautiful one.
A visit to The Macs always felt like a wonderful family visit despite that I was not related.
Thank you Les.
Ben Ramsden
Bloomington Indiana USA
**** Wendy Moldrich ****
Fond memories of a calm and gentle man surrounded by a beautiful family.
Les had endless patience as we had noisy holiday sleepovers at the Macs ~50 years ago where there was always fun and love for all.
Hiding in the back of the car, unforgettable milk round adventures in the middle of the night with Fran and so many memories of working at the Chadstone Rd milk bar in my teenage years too.
My heartfelt condolences to all the extended family.
I hope the memories bring some comfort at this time of loss .
RIP uncle Les.
With love
Wendy & Jill xx

Photo's of Les with his Family and Friends

Thank You Notice

This Is An Eternal Memorial To Les. Please Visit, Add & Share
The link to share this memorial is https://mywishnest.com/wishes/lesley-gordon-mcintyre-18th-august-1930-7th-september-2020-2-865-642/
This Memorial can only be edited by Gavin as it was created in his account. So if you would like any additional information or photos added, please send to him via email mcgrawg@icloud.com
Thank You.