The Formula - How to Reverse Parallel Park
Identify a parking spot and then check your mirrors and left indicator.
Clutch in (disengaged) and roll up, stopping with your left mirror next to the parked cars right mirror.
Place in reverse gear (others will see your reversing lights and know what you are doing), find the friction point (without moving) and enough revs so the motor can move the car once you have finished checking for any cars that may overtake you from the front or rear using mirrors and then checking over both shoulders looking for any movement from driveways/shop doors etc for vehicles or pedestrians.
Turn the steering wheel hard left, move very slowly until your car is pointing at 2 o’clock (time on your watch face) or a 45degree angle from the left kerb and stop by pushing your clutch back to the friction point (which will hold your car).
Straighten your steering wheel and then look over both shoulders for any movement up and down the road and from driveways/shop doors etc for vehicles or pedestrians, then move very slowly until the rear left wheel is about 3ft or 1metre from the left kerb and then stop.
(Knowing when you’re approximately 3ft or 1metre from the kerb - Look at the left kerb out the front left of your vehicle and visualise the continuation of that kerb past your vehicle, then look over your left shoulder and think about where your left rear wheel is (just behind the back door) and then visualise how far you think that back wheel is from the kerb and stop when you think it’s at the right spot. If you hit the gutter then you have gone too far back so next time stop a little earlier. Keep experimenting until you are stopping at the right spot and not hitting the gutter or being too far from the gutter.)
Turn the steering wheel hard right, look over both shoulders for any movement up and down the road and from driveways/shop doors etc for vehicles or pedestrians, then move very slowly until you are parallel to the kerb. Keep it slow so you can ensure the front left corner of your car clears the back of the parked car. As your front left wheel nears the kerb, look in you left mirror and stop once you can see the kerb running all the way up the road behind you and the side of your car is in the same line as the kerb. If the back wheel touches the kerb prior to the car being parallel to the kerb, then turn the steering wheel hard left and keep it there until the front wheel touches the kerb, then straighten your steering wheel and move forward very slowly until you can only see the top half of the bumper bar of the car in front.
Then make the car secure by leaving in first gear and hand brake on. (If drive test, then leave the gear stick in neutral as you’re not turning the motor off, and handbrake on).
Dot Point:
- Mirrors and left indicator.
- Pull up level with parked car.
- Reverse until back wheel is passed the parked car.
- Turn wheel hard left and stop when car is pointing at 2 o’clock.
- Straighten wheel and reverse until back left wheel is 1 metre (3 feet) from gutter.
- Turn wheel hard right and stop when left side of car is parallel to gutter.
- Straighten wheel and move forward until you can only see the top half of the bumper of the car in front.
- Make your car safe and turn off the engine.

Click Here to View Video on how to follow this simple formula to make Reverse Parallel Parking so easy.